How does one woman handle a husband, two kids, and a house with many rescued animals? We have Italian Greyhounds, Greyhounds, cats, and parrots that have been rescued from lives of despair or euthanization. Come see how God uses all creatures great and small to enhance our family's life. Each animal has a story and if you read through the blog you'll read some of them. The slideshow to the left is not of our animals, just random images from the web. The name of our rescue is Pharaoh's Haven.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
How I got into rescuing squirrels and some cute stories and pics of squirrels we have had. Story of poor little Lazarus-
Friday, August 29, 2008
The little things people say................... judgemental or not??

1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
36Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
37"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
In Psalms and Proverbs, mention is made hundreds of times of the fact that God alone is the judge of the entire earth and all that inhabit it. Go read any Psalm and almost without fail, God as judge is mentioned.
This leads me to believe that when we judge others, especially without knowing the specifics of THEIR SITUATION, we are not pleasing God. It doesn't matter how often we go to church or how often we teach Sunday school and it doesn't matter how good we look on the outside. If we judge others, God will use that same measure (kind or not kind) to judge OUR ACTIONS.
It is not difficult for me to not judge others. My mother and father, while not perfect did drill one important thing into my head. "Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins." I think of that ALL THE TIME. I am not perfect, and I know I am NOT GOD. So when others make a judgement call about me or my life based on my blog, the fact that I have depression, or the way I dress or the number of animals I have, they are missing out on ME. That's sad. I tell my kids on a daily basis if they mention that someone is weird or scary or whatever, to remember that they don't know THE FIRST THING about that person's situation. That makes them stop and think, " Hmmm, maybe she dresses that way because she is depressed." or "Maybe his mom isn't home to wash his clothes and that's why he smells bad." In such a sad and miserable world, wouldn't it be nice if we could all just stop for a minute and put ourselves in other people's moccasins?? I am sure God would be pleased.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
No blog entries for a while
Life here has gotten real busy with school starting and I am swamped. So I am taking a 2 week break from the blog to get myself together and keep the world turning here. I'll be back.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
More post Fay pics................
Post Fay pics.................
Here are some post Fay pics- first these are pictures of Sadie, the little squirrel that we've had for three weeks- she is with a rehabber, scheduled for weaning and release pretty soon- she was an ANGEL. We all miss her and love her very much. The next picture is of the "cat station" in the garage- Izzy and Cookie are hanging out, trying to ignore the loud generator- they have a litter box nearby so they wouldn't have to go in the rain. The next photo is a picture of the tree that fell on the power line BEFORE FAY. We lost power for eight hours that day but Lee the magnificent restored it by nightime. Dang big tree.
FPL, smell, and hell. (Rated G) Not to be believed, but every word is true!
Well, I cannot even begin to relay the events of the last 48 hours. But I will try. Our power goes out when the wind blows or when the rain falls on a good day. FPL is our service provider. They came out two days before the storm (we lost power for eight hours before Fay even came near us) and trimmed back some trees hoping that it would keep our power on. No such luck. I was in full disaster preparedness action- filling up water jugs, filling up old flashlights with new batteries, buying a family sized camping lantern, bleach, etc. Thank God for a dear FPL employee named Lee- he was our knight in shining armor twice. Well, we didn't have power for 12 hours- I call my sister and beg her to let the girls sleep at her house- she happily says, " Sure!"- during this time I got 2 calls from people with baby squirrels. Bridges were being closed and all hell was breaking loose outside. One couple came here and the other gal I met. So I had 5 baby squirrels that needed power for their heating pad. Easy- I'll go to Mama's- she's got power. But no air conditioning and it's 83 in her house. So Jon stayed here with no power and hooked up the generator and took care of the rest of the zoo and I slept at Mama's with no air (window open and Fay winds blowing through- it was fine) and got up every 3 hours to feed squirrels. (If you are feeling bad for Jon for being left here, don't- he got the better end of the deal.) It is MY CHOICE and I AM GLAD I AM SAVING THESE TINY LIVES, but I was SOOOO TIRED.
I call Lee on his cell phone ( long story, but I did not flirt with the man, I swear!) and beg him to come. So then dear Lee restored our power at 9:30 am- we cleaned, washed clothes and flushed toilets- BAD IDEA. You see, we are on a septic tank- and our drain field was flooded from the FIFTEEN inches of rain we got. If you are not familiar with the system, basically you have a huge tank in your yard that holds all the solid waste from your home- shower, sinks, toilets- the works. When the water level outside of the tank gets too high, the solids mix with the rain water and back up into your toilets or your yard. Now, this doesn't mean we had solid waste in the yard or the toilets, but it smelled like we did. So all toilets were off limits- we had to close them, close the doors to the bathrooms and not use sinks, showers or washing machines, lest we add MORE water to the already flooded field. So, now we are going to the bathroom, showering and doing laundry at my mom's . THANK GOD SHE HAD POWER. My girls are still at Aunt Susan's from the night before to sleep in a cool house. Thank God for sisters with power and patience. So our house is hot, the dogs are not happy to go out in the POURING RAIN and there is this vague methane odor in the house from the septic system. NICE. JUST LOVELY. Now mind you, during this I am totally focused on the POSITIVE and saying, " Thank you Lord that the kids are safe and comfortable, thank you Lord for Mama and Daddy's house having power, thank you that we have a generator- etc. I am not complaining and whining. I am getting a TAD stressed out, but I am a grateful girl for everything that we DO HAVE.
So when the power comes on, we clean and clean and vacuum and do everything we can because I KNOW IT"S GOING OUT AGAIN. Sure enough at 3:30 that day, the power goes out. But this time the house is at 75 degrees and it's clean- I WAS READY. Lug out the generator again (Jon is at work) and take the girls to ANOTHER friend's house to spend the night. (My dear sister called to let me know we were under a tornado warning and I didn't want the kids here under 150 foot, 100 year old oak trees.) I call Randy and Donna and say, " Can you keep my kids until our power comes back on? We're under a tornado warning and I do not want them here under these huge trees!!! (Keep in mind I am still going to my mom's every two hours to feed the five (six including Sadie) baby squirrels who are thriving and completely unaware of any stress. (I have to insert here- I am still having my intestinal problems and I am having my monthly blessing that tells me I am still capable of populating the earth. I am so so hot, I have cramps, and I have to run to Mama's every time I have to go to the bathroom. Are you getting the full picture here?) Then there's a tornado warning. I take the girls QUICKLY to Donna and Randy's and tell them, "Keep them safe for me, I'll be back when there is power." It is 7:30 pm. Thank God for friends with power who take pity on us. On the way home, I see an FPL truck. I think, " Now, there is a tornado warning, but there is your power saviour." Easy choice, I turn around (it's POURING), get out of my van and knock on his window. Scared the poor man to death. He rolls down his window and I tell my story of woe, very clearly and without emotion. ( I am soaking wet and am clearly no threat to him.) He looks on his computer and THERE WE ARE. He chooses BLESS HIS HEART to come do us now (seven houses are without power in our little area) and without going into the agonizing detail that I could (it was hell and involved calling 4 different neighbors, my husband, etc) I find out where the problem is and he flips a switch and WE HAVE POWER AGAIN. At this point, I tell him which Walgreen's my hubby works at and that if he EVER NEEDS ANYTHING medicinal to call me and that Jon will fill his gout medicine in record time if he ever needs a favor. It is 9:30 by now and it is still POURING. I am soaked and I haven't been home in over 3 hours. (By the way, sometime in all this mess, I called a squirrel rehabber and said, " PLEASE TAKE THESE SIX SQUIRRELS!!!! She met me at Walgreens and took them- thank you Alanna. I was so relieved- I had kept Sadie alive for three weeks and the little ones for almost 48 hours- and I was SO DONE. I walk in the door to LIGHT, AIR and lots of dogs who have either waited frantically for me to come home, or lost their patience and their bladder on the floor. NO BIG DEAL- I AM A HAPPY GIRL. Nothing can make me sad now, because KENT FROM FPL has restored our power. Praise the Lord. My neighbor has moved his car to our driveway because the road from our house to his house is under 20 inches of water. YES, 20 inches. There are fish swimming across our road and a huge gorgeous heron standing there looking regal. Em got pics on her phone. My brother and sister in law saved our kayak from being washed away as Mama and Daddy's little dock was completely under water and the big dock was about to be. So, here I am now, in a cool, clean house, with my dear little computer and a cup of coffee. We will be using Daddy's house for toilets and showers for a while and a septic company comes Tuesday- it's just the rain though, I know the tank doesn't need to be pumped out. The dogs are calm, fed and can now go outside because the RAIN HAS STOPPED. Now, if a certain branch leans on the power line, our power will go out again, but my thermostat is on 73 (mind you we keep our thermostat on 78 or 79 ALWAYS) and I am READY for the power to go out again. I think.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
New arrivals at the zoo- one is an old new addition! Tips if you find a baby animal in your yard after a storm!!!!
Finally back on and here comes Fay!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
HOW DO YOU DO THIS????????????????

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Willow and the pups off to new home sweet homes!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008
Sisterly love
Here are my girls yesterday after a long day of pinky duty. :) (They watched, I fed.) Emily had been thrown in a pool and landed on someone else's head with HER HEAD, so she's had a headache for a couple of days. THANKS UNCLE RANDY!!!! :) Anyway, Em wanted to sleep THERE with her sister and Jules was quick to let everyone know to BE QUIET, EM IS SLEEPING!!! (That should have quotes but I am tired.) These girls have their moments of anger and arguments but I have to say that they love each other deeply and would defend each other to the death. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU TWO!!! They truly understand the love of God. I want to say a huge thank you to Randy and Donna Clark, some of our dear dear friends from church who watched the girls all day Sunday so I could rest and get over this bug. They took them to church and kept them until 9pm. What love that is. Thanks guys- we love you. Randy and Donna are the ones who adopted Lainey from China this spring. They are great folks.
PINKY SQUIRRELS!!!!!!!!!!!! My kids are young wildlife rehabbers!!! YAY GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Update on Tuesday- Charlotte the little girl is doing great!!!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Our purposes in life..............

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Nasty bug!

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Bianca- 1998?-2008
Thank you to some really special people, Mike and Sari!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Em's new middle school look!!!
Pharaoh's Haven two step- don't ya wanna join in???
There's a new dance craze sweeping our house, called the Pharaoh's Haven two step. I know you will want to join in after you read how much fun it is. It is neccesary to have puppies to do this dance so if you don't, you'll have to come here to do it. You need bare feet or tennishoes- either will work-
Step one- step in poop
Step two- lift foot in air and scream or moan (depends on your age and tolerance for poop)
Step three- Hop to bathroom, sink, or outside hose
Step four- mumble or scream about how much puppies poop
Step five- clean up feet or tennishoes
Step six- look at pup's faces and think, "Gosh it's good that they're so dang cute or I would kill them." SEE ABOVE PICS FOR PROOF OF CUTENESS. :)
Alternate two step- we do this dance more often than dance #1
Step one- watch pup poop or pee on floor
Step two- moan or scream as above
Step three- clean it up
Step four- ask yourself and God, " Now why am I doing this again, Lord?"
Now, we thought that by limiting the pups and their mom to the master bathroom we could avoid the Haven Two Step, but it hasn't worked out in theory. For instance, when Jules decides to take the pups out front with their mother, one will stop and do their business FAST on the wood floor- thank God they haven't hit the carpet yet- everyone else has. In fact, today is shampoo the carpets day. Honestly we need to rip it all up forever, but we can't afford more wood floors. So, we will do our best to clean filth (that's an oxymoron) and keep looking to God for guidance. The good news is I am setting up my own Petfinder site to get these guys homes SOON, and then life will be back to some sort of quasi- normal. Today I wrote the mom of the house we got the pups and Willow from a long heart felt letter about God, hope, and the way God can help her get order and loving discipline in her home- Pray that it goes over well.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
New fosters here at the zoo! VERY SAD SITUATION- PRAYER NEEDED!
Lately things around here have picked
up a notch. My friend Christa called me
about Daisy, the little black dog- she is
a purebred IG, one and a half years old
and very very frightened of most things. She was living in a nice clean trailer with a very wonderful man who just couldn't handle her constant peeing in the house. I totally understand. It's an IG- they are so hard to housebreak. She is doing well here and will be adopted out soon.
The picture above is Max, ( I think- I never know where the pics will wind up.) His mom is Willow- a 5- 6 year old, fawn female IG. She is the mother of Max and Berkley- two IG/poodle pups that are eight weeks old. Berkley is the one with shaved hair, that has speckles. My friend Michelle and I went to get the three of them last night. The people we got them from had probably 14 dogs of all breeds- a great dane, some Samoyeds, dachshunds, poodles, then snakes, - the house was very very dirty and this family has some definite issues and it was a definite rescue. The woman who contacted me is the responsible one in the family and I am so glad that she made the choice to allow us to take the dogs. She is spaying and neutering the rest of the dogs and that makes me very happy. This family could truly use prayer. Pray for baby A, her mother, and just the whole family. I intend on contacting the mom at a later time and discussing the treatment of her children by the father. That's all I will say, but you can fill in the blanks. It was BAD. One of the individuals is studying to be a wiccan (a modern day witch). I absolutely told them about Jesus and told them that the only way to change their life was through Christ. As always, God had me there for the dogs, but more for the people who needed to hear that Jesus offers hope. They told me that the mother (Willow) was "Schizo" and would not come to me. Nothing could be further from the truth. She was in a loud and chaotic house and IGs do not do well in that kind of environment. She is very happy here and very very concerned if her puppies leave her sight. We will make a decision about them after the pups are old enough to be away from their mom- they are weaned, but emotionally the mother and the pups are NOT READY to be seperated, especially given the recent change in their lives. As always, God showed me AGAIN that my work for HIM is through his animals- that is how I reach the people. Amazing. I never cease to be amazed at how SPECIFIC GOD IS. He is so beyond explanation. I am in awe. I have no contempt for this family, I just so want those children, that one week old baby, and that entire family to know what peace, love, and order looks like with God.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Why I won't change!

Saturday, August 2, 2008
Very very cool place- wonderful woman!