Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pica's unveiling!

Well today was the big day for Pica's pretty pink bandage to come off. I took her to Dr. Prince, one of my vets here in Jax. Pica was a perfect angel until he got to the surgical tape that was further down the leg- then she bared her teeth and growled- she looks ferocious in a pitiful way, doesn't she? The incision looks pretty good- it has some granulated blood on it that will come off with daily warm washcloth baths.(No, Dr. Apelt, don't freak- I am not bathing her- I am just letting that dried up blood get warm and then gently abrading it- Dr. Prince's orders. ) :) We start physical therapy tomorrow- YUCK. I have to basically push the leg up for a hold of 30 and then push it straight for a count of 30. (All within her comfort range of course, I am not going to make her scream in pain.) She hasn't needed the Tramadol up until now, but now we're going to give it to her 3 times a day. (That's the pain killer.) The photos above show her pretty face, Dr. Prince doing his work (Chris, I left you out dear, as you requested), Pica's incision site, and her snarling at Peter when he got to the ouchie part. Now she is in her crate sleeping off the horrible stress and letting the pain meds take effect. Precious baby- Eric, I sure miss that hot pink bandage- she looked so CUTE in it!!!! Maybe I need to get her a wider hot pink collar. :) Thank you Dr. Apelt for a great surgery- I'll see you in late July, I hope! Thanks, Dr. Prince and Chris for your help today. Hey, Dr. Prince, what is that mark on your dog's side???? When did THAT HAPPEN???? Where were you when it occured? (WINK WINK- this is a private joke.) I LOVE MY VETS AT AUGUSTINE LORETTO ANIMAL CLINIC. Thank you Dr. Bouchelle for referring me to University of Florida- I was SO IMPRESSED! I also want to say a big thank you to Renee Rockefeller who removed Quinn's toe- she did a SUPER job and he's healing nicely- I LOVE ALL OF YOU AT ALAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Anne

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pica is beautiful!! I NEVER would have recognized Dr. Prince with his short hair! Love, Belinda