Oh my heavens, I am tired. In the last six weeks, we have rehomed six of our foster dogs, repainted our daughter Emily's room (after 10 hours of wallpaper removal) and painted the girls' bathroom (finished today) and gotten new carpet and a new couch that DON"T REEK OF DOG PEE. For the first time in 14 years, I can lie on my carpet and KNOW that there is not one drop of urine on it. Praise be to God. We found great homes for the dogs and the only dogs in the house now are Quinn, Samson, and .......................... Maggie!!!! I am way too tired to tell the whole story now, but basically, I grew up with a mom who bred and raised Ibizan Hounds. They are the love of my life. I always wanted one as an adult and Maggie was in rescue and now she is here and she is just amazing. She reminds me so much of one of our dogs, Hotep and is named for our last surviving Ibizan, Maggie. My old school and college friends will remember the Ibizans at my mom's house. Here is her picture. More later after I die and resurrect.
Congrats on the rehoming, and on Maggie!!!! How beautiful!!!!
Maggie is too cute! Hope to see your "new" house in person soon...hey, what about Sassy? And, Pharoah? Did I miss something?
Oh...and, better change your blog name! Life is a tranquil stream? Yea, right...
Okay lazy bum, do a new post! :)
Very pretty dog. Your verse of the day is over your latest post so I couldn't read it all. I want to know who all you rehomed. Is Pharaoh okay. did you get my email from a few days ago? Belinda
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